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  • What are your hours?
    Our hours are whenever the Gardner is open which is typically: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 10:00pm Saturday 7:30am - 9:00pm If the main doors are locked, try the side door on the east side of the Trailblazer Café.
  • How do I use my card?
    Go to our machine in the Trailblazer Café located in the Gardner building. Tap your Thirsty Trailblazer Card on the reader. Once your card is approved, you can begin pouring. (Note a timer starts counting down once your approved so it's best to have your cup ready first.) Enjoy your delicious refreshment.
  • Is it truly unlimited?
    Yes! To prevent abuse though we monitor your account, and if we see suspicious usage your subscription may be cancelled.
  • Is it easy to cancel?
    Yes! All you have to do is sign into your account on our website and click "manage". From there you'll click cancel and then you will be prompted to fill out a survey letting us know your reason for cancelling and where we can improve and then you're set!
  • Do I have to buy a subscription to get a drink?
    No. You can purchase a single use drink at any time by tapping or inserting your credit card, or using Apply Pay/Google Pay.
  • Where do I pick up a card?
    You can pick up a card next to the machine in the Gardner. In the future we hope to have them available in more locations.
  • What happens if I lose my card?
    You can purchase a new replacement card. Send us an email at
  • How do I get one of those sweet UT mugs?
    You can purchase them from dining services or send us an email at
  • What happens if I lose my mug?
    You can purchase a new replacement mug. Send us an email at
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